Turn StudentsInto Superstars

Personalized, curriculum based

AI tutor

for any subject, at any level

It’s like having your own virtual tutor,
24/7, right at your fingertips.

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Secure your kids' futures

AI-powered tutoring delivers education personalized to each student

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Get real-time insights into students progress

No more waiting for end of year reports!

Find out where your students are at right now, across all subjects. Our real-time dashboards provide snapshots and insights into students learning progress.

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Learning made fun with rewards

Students Earn Rewards

Earn points as you learn and cash them in for rewards!

Parents Manage Rewards

Students are incentivised on their learning journey and StudyStar keeps track of it all so you don't have to!

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Trusted by parents everywhere...

Finding a tutor to help with your kids homework is no longer a problem. StudyStar provides personalized tutoring, across all subjects, for busy parents.

" Our kids absolutely love StudyStar. Homework is no longer a battle in our home. The kids love this interactive learning tool and it tracks their progress and manages earning rewards - we can’t imagine life without it!"


Parent, Australia

"My daughter went up 3 grade levels within 3 months of using StudyStar and she even enjoys going to school now. Thanks StudyStar! "


Parent, UK

"StudyStar has transformed the way I teach. I can now see at a snap-shot where each student is at and can assign them their own personalized lessons. I can't imagine teaching without it!"


Teacher, NZ

Frequently Asked Questions

StudyStar is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) which generate quizzes based on the learning ability and progress of the student. The difficulty level is adjusted in real-time based on the students' quiz performance.

StudyStar is optimised to provide tutoring for students between the ages of 8 and 16 across core curriculum subjects. Check out the list of tutoring subjects currently available on our subjects page. In future, this will be extended to include elective subjects. Students under 13 require parents consent.

Yes, the app monitors individual progress and tailors the learning approach accordingly. It adjusts the speed, complexity, and type of questions based on each learner's performance, ensuring an optimal learning pace for everyone.

The dashboard is designed to track and display a student's progress in real-time. It monitors aspects such as quiz scores, frequency of correct answers, time spent on each topic, and improvement over time. These metrics are updated immediately as the student interacts with the app, providing instant insights into their learning progress.

StudyStar is powered by OpenAI and is committed to providing a safe and beneficial user experience to users of all ages. While steps are taken to ensure the safety of all users, including children, it's always essential for parents to monitor a child's interaction with any online tool, including StudyStar's AI. This helps ensure the child does not share personal information or engage inappropriately.

One step to improve
your skill level

Simply enter your email and get started on your personalized learning journey today.

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